sou desu |
that is right |
chigaimasu |
that is wrong |
sumimasen |
excuse me, I am sorry |
arigatou gozaimasu |
thank you |
dou itashimashite |
you are welcome |
mou ichido itte kudasai |
please say it one more time |
minna de itte kudasai |
please say it together |
douzo |
please, go ahead |
ohayou gozaimasu |
good morning |
konnichi wa |
good afternoon, hello |
konban wa |
good evening (greeting) |
sayoonara |
good bye |
onamae wa nan desu ka |
what is your name? |
imi wa nan desu ka |
what does that mean? |
shukudai-o dashite kudasai |
please hand in the homework |
wakarimasu ka |
do you understand? |
ii desu ka |
is this okay? |
yoku dekimashita |
good job |
oyasuminasai |
good night |
shitsurei shimasu |
I’ll lose courtesy, please excuse me, good-bye, I humbly leave |
onegai shimasu |
excuse me (to get attention at store), thank-you in advance |
gomen kudasai |
hello?! (to get attention at store, house) |
ojama shimasu |
I will make an interruption, I humbly come in |
ojama shimashita |
I have made an interruption, I humbly take my leave, I’m sorry to have bothered you |
doumo sumimasen |
thank-you very much for your trouble, I am very sorry |
(kono X), arigatoo gozaimashita |
thank you for what you have done, thank you for lending me X |
hajimemashite |
how do you do (only when meeting for the first time) |
douzo yoroshiku |
glad to meet you, lit. please be good to me |
sou desu nee |
let me think… |
Xsan-o onegai shimasu |
can I speak to X please |
osoku natte sumimasen |
sorry for being late |
wakarimashita |
understood |
arimashita |
here it is! found it! |
aa, soo soo |
now I remember |
dou shitan desu ka |
what happened, what’s the matter, what’s up |
jitsu wa … n desu |
actually, the fact is… |
shikata-ga arimasen, (shouganai) |
nothing can be done |
okagesamade |
thanks to whoever is responsible |