I asked ChatGPT to Analyse My Writing

As an educator, I have been watching ChatGPT with great interest. The opportunities for learning from AI are quite boundless, when used effectively. Of course, we also need to temper this new learning resource with a very human-centered curriculum in schools that focuses on media literacy, ethics, and other ways of “making better humans”. I am not sure how this will all play out, but I certainly feel like educators need to engage with this new technology in order to help shape the future of both AI and education.

This morning, as the next step in my own engagement with this topic, I gave ChatGPT a copy of my latest article and asked it to analyse my writing and suggest improvements.

Here is what it told me:

Shaney Crawford’s writing style is conversational and informal, which makes it easy to read and relatable. Her writing is also personal and introspective, sharing her own experiences and insights on overcoming her food addiction. She uses a lot of self-reflection and narrative to express her thoughts and feelings, making her writing more engaging and emotionally impactful.

One way Shaney Crawford could improve her writing is by using more concrete examples and details to support her points. While her personal anecdotes are effective, adding specific examples could help readers better understand her perspective and experiences. Additionally, Shaney Crawford could benefit from more varied sentence structures to add more variety and rhythm to her writing. Finally, including more transitions between ideas and paragraphs could help her writing flow more smoothly and make it easier for readers to follow her train of thought.

Overall, Shaney Crawford’s writing style is effective in conveying her message and engaging readers, but there is always room for improvement. By incorporating more specific details, varied sentence structures, and better transitions, she could further enhance her writing style and make her messages even more impactful.


This is really good feedback for me, and it is something that I can take specific action on. In the past, I wouldn’t have been able to get this kind of instant and useful feedback quite so easily without asking someone to read my writing. And, even if I did ask a person for feedback, they might just say my writing is “fine” or engage with the topic itself rather than comment on the quality of the writing. I think this is a good, if basic, example of how AI can be used in education to help students take more ownership of their own learning. Again, I am not so doe-eyed as to think AI is a panacea, or that there are not some big conversations that need to be had about plagiarism, but I do think that there is great potential here to make education more self-directed and inclusive.

Listen to this article as a podcast: