As an educator, I have been watching ChatGPT with great interest. The opportunities for learning from AI are quite boundless, when used effectively.
Continue reading...Living in a Fantasy World Where Dishes Do Themselves
I have never been fond of doing dishes. In fact, I don’t like doing anything that never gets permanently “done”, like making my bed, doing my laundry, cooking, or cleaning.
Continue reading...Staying Open, Humble, and Teachable
Trying to figure out DEIJ in schools is hard work, or rather, complex work, but it is important for all educators to have a very robust understanding of how power, privilege, oppression, and marginalization play out in schools.
Continue reading...Naming Your Feelings
This week, I had one of those days where I couldn’t seem to win. I had two particular encounters on that day that didn’t go my way. In the past, this would have been a very good reason for me to go out and eat fast food, or junk food, or a lot of food, and then go to bed with a stomach that was too full.
Continue reading...Starting with a Vision and a Timeframe, not a Resolution
Many years ago, I decided not to make any New Year’s resolutions because I have a terrible track record for keeping them. This, ironically, is the only resolution that I have ever kept. Recently, I have found a way to achieve the same intended effect as a resolution by going about things quite differently.
Continue reading...Recommended Reading: This is Water
This is a slightly long, but very stimulating read. You can also listen to the original audio. It is David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech to the graduating class at Kenyon College in 2005, and I think it contains a great many elements of capital-T truth.
Continue reading...Wrestling with Authenticity on the Way to Integrity
Being authentic means presenting yourself to the world as you are, and not trying to hide yourself or any aspects of yourself away because you are ashamed, or feel not good enough. Easier said than done!
Continue reading...Am I too Greedy or too Lazy? Or too Stupid?
A lot of people think that being overweight is a result of greed and/or laziness. It seems like such an obvious problem to fix. You just need to eat less and/or move more. If it really were that easy, there wouldn’t be so many overweight people in the world.
Continue reading...Start Something Stupid
Once I gave myself the permission to start something, even if I thought it might be a stupid idea on some level, it cleared the way for me to start taking some baby steps towards talking about my idea, which has now, after a few weeks, resulted in me taking some action on furthering the idea.
Continue reading...Breathe, Listen, Don’t Try to Solve
My primary listening villain, as defined by Oscar Trimboli, is “The Interrupting Listener”. Or at least, that was my primary listening villain until a few months ago when I recognized what I was doing and actively tried to stop doing it. I think I have gotten better at not interrupting, but I still have work to do in this domain.
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