Naming Your Feelings

This week, I had one of those days where I couldn’t seem to win. I had two particular encounters on that day that didn’t go my way. In the past, this would have been a very good reason for me to go out and eat fast food, or junk food, or a lot of food, and then go to bed with a stomach that was too full.

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Start Something Stupid

Once I gave myself the permission to start something, even if I thought it might be a stupid idea on some level, it cleared the way for me to start taking some baby steps towards talking about my idea, which has now, after a few weeks, resulted in me taking some action on furthering the idea.

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Breathe, Listen, Don’t Try to Solve

My primary listening villain, as defined by Oscar Trimboli, is “The Interrupting Listener”. Or at least, that was my primary listening villain until a few months ago when I recognized what I was doing and actively tried to stop doing it. I think I have gotten better at not interrupting, but I still have work to do in this domain.

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