Japanese Language

Japanese and English Numbers

All those zeros confusing you? This wee chart should help. Japanese English ゼロ(zero), 零(rei) 0 zero 一(ichi) 1 one 十(juu) 10 ten 百(hyaku) 100 hundred 千(sen) 1,000 thousand 万(man) 10,000 ten thousand 十万 100,000 hundred thousand 百万 1,000,000 million 千万 10,000,000 ten million 億(oku) 100,000,000 hundred million 十億 1,000,000,000 billion...

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Place Names in Kanji

In Japanese, place names are almost always written in katakana, but occasionally you will see a place name written in kanji. Also, sometimes the first character is used as an abbreviation to refer to a specific country. For example, 豪ドル means “Australian dollars”. (If you find any others that I...

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